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Rules, Ranks, and Jobs

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Rules, Jobs, and information coming soon

Ranks: (Lowest position to Highest)
*Note- Ranks are positions within the team that represent each player's place of power, standing, status, experience, time in the clan, behavior, etc.  Each rank that is higher than the last has more power than the last.  Participate regularly and be a good member and teammate, and you may get promoted!  Unfortunately, to keep order, some nonproductive team members that break rules may receive a series of demerits and reports (black marks) that lead to a demotion, or lowering in rank.  In most cases, 3 black marks (or 3 strikes) is equal to one demotion.  On the members page, black marks are represented next to the member's name by an X.  This is to keep track of offenses.  Members may try to remove the black marks by showing good behavior. Those specific individuals may also be immediately demoted one or more ranks depending on the severity of the case.  Extreme cases may lead to banning.  Show good behavior, follow the rules, and you'll be fine.  Only the highest-ranking members can demote (with the permission of The Problem or A1PanzerFreak), under normal circumstances  Each meeting will take place in the clan base (FAME Army Lounge).  Drills and training will take place in that map or training maps.  Brigadier generals and higher will receive their own office.
Enlisted: (Lower base ranks)
-Recruit (RCT)
-Private (PVT)
-Private first class (PFC)
-Specialist (SPC)
-Corporal (CPL)
-Sergeant (SGT)
-Staff sergeant (SSG)
-Sergeant first class (SFC)
-Master sergeant (MSG)
-First sergeant (1SG)
-Sergeant major (SGM)
-Command sergeant major (CSM)
-Sergeant major of the army (one position only) (SMA)
Officers: (Higher, commanding members)
-Warrant officer (WO)
-Chief warrant officer (CWO)
-Second lieutenant (2LT)
-First lieutenant (1LT)
-Captain (CPT)
-Major (MAJ)
-Lieutenant colonel (LTC)
-Colonel (COL)
-Commander (COM)
-Brigadier general (BG)
-Major general (MG)
-Lieutenant general (LTG)
-General (GEN)
-General of the army (unachievable (A1PanzerFreak)) (GA)
-Commanding Officer (unachievable top rank (The Problem)) (CO)

Enlisted Rank Insignia
Enlisted Rank Insignia
Enlisted Rank Insignia

Warrant Officer Rank Insignia
Warrant Officer Rank Insignia
Warrant Officer Rank Insignia

Officer Rank Insignia
Officer Rank Insignia
Officer Rank Insignia

Assistant Head Recruiter (1p)
Head Recruiter (1p)
Assistant Head Trainer (1p)
Head Trainer (1p)
MP (military police)
Assistant Chief MP (1p)
Chief MP (one position)
TMGPRO employee *
Assitant TMGPRO manager (1p) *
TMGPRO manager (1p) *
TMGPRO chief (unachievable (A1PanzerFreak)) *
Nurse/Doctor/Ammunition Personnel
Assistant Head Nurse/Doctor/Ammunition Personnel (1p)
Head Nurse/Doctor/Ammunition Personnel (1p)
[Official Guard (OG) - protects head officers, team's elite force] (Also known as bodygaurd)
Official Guard
Master Official Guard
Assistant Head Official Guard (1p)
Head Official Guard (1p) (Blood Sniper)
Assistant [assists higher-ranked teammates]
Head Assistant [assists and advises A1PanzerFreak and The Problem] (1p) *4Real
Secretary [carries out orders and tasks, informs the team members, etc.]
Assitant Head Secretary (1p)
Head Secretary (1p)
Spy [gathers data on related matters, including other clans]
Assistant Head Spy (1p)
Head Spy (1p)
Monitor [reports offenses to A1PanzerFreak or The Problem and has the authority to reprimand the offenders]
Assitant Head Monitor (1p)
Head Monitor (1p)
More job positions coming soon - note these are not into effect yet and are a prototype.  If you have any suggestions, concerns, questions, etc. about the jobs, please contact A1PanzerFreak in the game or, preferably, state it in the guestbook in "Contact Us." Note: (1p)= only one position available, *= no position available

Rules: Each member is expected to follow a list of guidelines, for the structure and discipline of the team, and the enjoyment of each team member in relation to the team, teammates, and the game.  Violations of these rules may result in punishment; whether it be demotion, black marks, etc.  Rules are subject to change at any time.
1. Obey all higher-ranked members, especially the officers and top members, and obey all commands,  orders, and instructions given.  Be ready to give for your team.
2. Respect each other teammate, especially the higher-ranked members and officers.  Do not insult, abuse, or commit any immoral act upon another teammate.  Each member is a valuable part to F.A.M.E.
3.  Participate actively in both the game and the team, whether it be disscussions, meetings, projects, etc., when possible.
4.  Be the best member you can possibly be.  Show vigor, will, strength, determination, readiness, and alertness.
5.  Remember to have fun!


If you have any ideas or suggestions on new rules or ranks you think we should add or change, please contact us.

This site is currently under construction.